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Frequently Asked Questions

2023-2024 Parent Survival Guide

The 2023-2024 Parent Survival Guide provides detailed information regarding the band program, annual events and should provide answers to most questions.


What is a Marching Band?  

The Pearland High School Marching Band consists of students from the Wind Ensemble, Symphonic, Concert, Cadet and Prep Bands.  Students tryout each semester so they can be placed in the appropriate band according to their skill level.

What does the band fee cover?

The band fee covers the fees for contest, marching show designers, sectional teachers and other band expenses.  The meal fee covers water and food for all away games and contests. The Freshmen will have additional fees for required items such as marching shoes, garment bag, shirts, gloves, etc.

What is the Pit?  

The Pit consists of the percussion section.  Timpani, xylophones, electronic instruments, gongs, and other noisemakers.  It is located at the front of the field.  The members of the pit do not march.

What is the Pit Crew?

The Pit Crew consists of booster parents.  They are responsible for loading all the equipment on the buses and trailers, unloading at the performance site, getting the equipment on the field and set up, then removing the equipment expeditiously so as not to be in violation of any time rules set by the judging body, loading it back on to the vehicles and unloading it at the school.

What is the Color Guard?

The Color Guard is an important part of the Marching Show.  They provide "color" to the overall effect of the show by closely choreographed interpretative dance routines that match the drill design.  The Color Guard utilizes flags, rifles, and other props to enhance the overall show and make it visually appealing.

What is the Battery/Drum Line?

The Drum Line or Battery consists of marching members of the percussion section and includes drums and bass drums.

What is a section?

A "section" is a component of the Concert or Marching Band and consists of a group of like instruments.

What are Drum Majors?

The purpose of the drum major is to conduct the band providing the appropriate beat at exactly the right time.  Any member of the band program may try out to be Drum Major.  Tryouts are held at the end of the school year.

Why doesn't everyone get to march?

Unfortunately, there are only so many primary marching positions available in a particular designed show. Other positions students participate in include pit, prop and game day.

Does the school supply some of the instruments?

PISD supplies the very large or expensive instruments such as tuba, timpani, etc.  The district also supplies those marching instruments which replace concert instruments (sousaphones, baritones, mellophones, etc.).  There is a $50 per semester maintenance fee levied for the use of these school-owned instruments.

Who are the band boosters and what do they do?

Band Boosters is an organization of band parents and other supporters of the Pearland Band.  Boosters are involved in fundraising activities for the band program, assisting the band directors during marching season by moving heavy equipment, issuing uniform accessories, and generally providing assistance in the task of moving approximately 350 students performing organization during performances (we also yell a lot).  If you want to get involved in the very rewarding job of following your child's musical education, there is lots of room for help in the various committees of Band Boosters.

What is UIL?

The University Interscholastic League began at the University of Texas.  UIL rules govern Texas intra-state competitions in marching band and concerts.  UIL requirements also govern athletic and scholastic competitions in the state.

What is Drum Corps International (aka DCI)?

DCI is a nonprofit youth organization serving junior drum and bugle corps around the globe.

What is Bands of America (aka BOA)?

BOA is a for-profit organization which hosts more than 25 events nationwide, including the Grand National Championship, National Concert Band Festival, Summer Band Symposium, 14 Regional Championships, Regional Concert Band Festivals, and student leadership clinics.  What are districts, regions, and areas?

What are districts, regions, and areas?

Districts, Regions, and Areas are created by the University Interscholastic League to allow schools in geographical areas to compete against one another with a minimum of travel.  For example, the Pearland High School Marching Band competes in UIL Region 19 and is part of Area H.  For All State, the Pearland Band competes in UIL Region 19 and is part of Area E.

3775 South Main St.

Pearland, TX 77581

Tel: 281-997-7445

© 2022 by Pearland Band Booster Club Inc.

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